The True Story of the Book “Another Way of Living” by Dr Snezhana Djambazova-Popordanoska

heart book

Here is the true story of how my latest book “Another Way of Living” was born. As many professional women in this modern age, I was desperately trying to succeed in my career as a professional in my field. However, while juggling with all my work commitments and home responsibilities, a few years ago, I experienced a serious injury that significantly affected my daily functioning. Suddenly, my life became a real nightmare… Due to this injury, I could not do anything on my own. I needed help to dress up, and to open the doors at home. I couldn’t do any of the domestic responsibilities such as cooking, washing dishes, ironing, and so on. The only thing I could do was to sit down alone in silence and contemplate my life.

This unfortunate event was a turning point in my life. I realised that I had to make some lifestyle changes and start living my life in another way. Gradually, I learned how to create harmony between the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of my life. While living my life in this way, I was able to experience deep inner peace, joy and serenity daily, and live a truly purposeful life.

Wanting to share the wisdom and practical skills I gained, with as many people as possible, I wrote the book “Another Way of Living: A Journey to Infinite Peace, Immense Joy, and True Freedom’’ which was published recently. This book offers readers another way of living in this modern world – a life filled with peace, joy and abundance on a daily basis.

Here are a few customers’ reviews of the book Another Way of Living” by Dr Snezhana Djambazova -Popordanoska that have been published on the most popular bookshops online, including BooktopiaGoogle Books, Angus &Robertson, Balboa Press and many others.

Strongly recommended to everyone

Another Way of Living” by Dr Snezhana Djambazova -Popordanoska is an amazing book for people who would like to follow the path of happiness. Instructive, complete, and true. A simple guidance for everyday life, easy to understand and to practice. Essential guidance for a real life full of joy, where freedom from our fears, limits and believes is the key for the only life we deserve. Strongly recommended to everyone.

Mido, Italy

Not to be missed

An inspiring and powerful book that delves into the purpose and meaning of living a true fulfilling life, with guided techniques and filled with whimsical and fervent poetry in every chapter. It is a handbag sized book to mindfulness and reminder that we are all innately bound with love and peace.

Belinda, Singapore

Book full of wisdom

The book “Another Way of Living” by Dr Snezhana Djambazova -Popordanoska is a fabulous book that I keep reading again and again! This book teaches wisdom in simple but powerful language. It is organized by using questions and answers to the most important life issues – love, fears, friendships, self-love, self-realization… Book to carry with you everywhere you go and to read whenever you need!

Emilio, US

Brilliant read

“Another Way of Living” is a brilliant read. As soon as I read this book, my life changed. I started seeing the positives in everything and I learnt how to control my mind. If you have not read this book, YOU ARE MISSING OUT.

Peter, Australia

 Get the book Another Way of Living by Dr Snezhana Djambazova -Popordanoska here:

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