72 Research Based Activities for Teaching Social and Emotional Skills

happy student

A growing body of research undertaken in the last two decades has demonstrated that Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is fundamental to children’s emotional wellbeing, academic achievement and ability to collaborate with others. SEL is the process of facilitating the child in identifying and managing emotions, being persistent in achieving goals, appreciating the differences and […]

Cultivating Mindfulness in Today’s Modern Life

cultivating mindfulness

How to cultivate Mindfulness in today’s modern life? Mindfulness is a state of heightened awareness of being fully in the present moment. It is a state of non-judgemental observation. More specifically, mindfulness is a state of present time awareness, without evaluating or criticising the things, people or events in life, but accepting and acknowledging them […]

Official launch of the book “Another Way of Living”

journey to self realisation

Official launch of the book Another Way of Living On Saturday, the 28 th of April, 2018 at Mill Park Library, Mill Park the book “Another Way of Living” by Dr Snezhana Djambazova -Popordanoska was officially launched. Inspired by an amazing true life story and filled with answers to life’s most significant questions and interspersed […]