The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

successful man

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.”
– Buddha

Our thoughts and spoken words have a tremendous power that can either heal our physical body, or it can destroy it. Hence, it is important to be aware about the thoughts and words directed towards ourselves because every cell of our body is listening whatever we think, or say to ourselves. Understanding the great power of our subconscious mind, illnesses and injuries in our physical body can be healed completely through the power of our positive thoughts and words directed to ourselves. 

A few years ago I experienced a serious injury that severely affected my daily functioning. According to the medical opinions of the medical specialists, in ninety percent of all cases with such injury, people experience difficulties with the ordinary activities of daily living until the end of their life. The moment the injury happened, my career, my future plans, and my entire life was placed on hold. My life became a real nightmare as I could not do anything myself. I was devastated and lost… While being overwhelmed with those unpleasant feelings associated with the possible negative outcomes of the injury, I became aware that my attitude toward my life was predominantly negative. Then, I came to the following realisation: that I could choose either to continue to live the rest of my life as a person dependent on others, or to take the courage to accept that challenging situation, and make some positive changes in my life. In the following six months after the injury, I made a conscious decision to use my thoughts and spoken words to heal my injury. Each day, several times throughout a day, I repeated mentally one of the following affirmations accompanied by a strong will, and a great devotion:

  • I am grateful for the healing that is happening in my body.
  • I love my body, and therefore, I treat it with love and respect.
  • I have a healthy and slender body.
  • Every day I am healthier and stronger.
  • I am completely healthy.

Attentive repetition, strong faith, and infinite patience were employed during all affirmations until they became a part of my convictions. Eventually, I reaped the fruits of my inner mental work. My injury healed miraculously after six months, without any physical restrictions. The doctors familiar with my case could not explain scientifically the positive outcome of my injury, believing that I was simply ‘an exceptional case.’ What I strongly believe is that our physical body has a capacity to heal itself spontaneously, if we know how to use the will power of our subconscious mind. Find out more in the life-changing book “Another Way of Living: A Journey to Infinite Peace, Immense Joy, and True Freedom” .

It is important to realise that when you frequently complain and blame others about what happens in your life, and you have predominantly resentful and harmful thoughts about them, you will surely attract negative experiences in your life. On the other hand, when you send out only positive thoughts, words and blessings, you will attract only positive experiences in your life. The following true story from my counselling practice can illustrate beautifully the power of our thoughts and spoken words. One of my patients, Clara, 40 year old woman, sought advice from me about her difficulties in the relationship with her husband. When talking about their relationship, Clara was pointing out only the negative characteristics and behaviours that she didn’t like in her spouse. Then, I said to her,” Instead of focusing on the behaviour that you don’t like about your husband, each day think about his positive qualities, send him blessings, and pray for his happiness.” Although hesitantly, she took my advice and each day she would say to him, “I bless you and I feel blessed to have you in my life. I want you to be healthy and happy.” After few weeks she told me that her husband significantly changed his behaviour, and he became more loving and more attentive to her. She expressed sincere gratitude to me, saying that now she believes in the power of our thoughts, words and prayers. They still live happily together, enjoying each other’s companionship.

The Manifesting Power of Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are statements that describe a desired situation. Meaningful positive affirmations repeated willingly and consistently have a power to eliminate your negative thinking, raise your energy level and help you attract positive outcomes in life. Remember that whatever you seek in life you can attain through the practice of positive affirmations. For greatest results, it is important to practice your positive affirmations immediately after awakening from sleep in the morning, as well as before you go to sleep, at night. Before starting to affirm, ensure that your mind is calm and free from worries, and any mental discomfort. Then, choose one positive affirmation that addresses your most pressing need, and evokes a sense of power and inspiration within you. At first, repeat your chosen affirmation loudly and slowly few times, then softer, until your voice becomes a whisper. Then, continue to affirm it several times mentally (in your mind only), without even moving your lips. If you do it properly, with deep concentration, by focusing all your attention on each word, you will begin to feel a great sense of immense joy, and serenity within. In this way, you will allow the chosen affirmation to enter your subconsciousness, and return with unlimited power to fulfil your desire in the material world.

Here is a list of my favourite positive affirmations that can be used to help.

Love Affirmations

I am willing to love and accept myself the way I am.

Loving myself makes me feel really good.

I awake with a deep sense of peace, love, and joy.

I love myself, therefore, I live totally in the present, experiencing each moment as beautiful, and knowing that my future will bring me more joy, happiness, and success.

I am grateful for all blessings in my life.

I attract and experience love wherever I go.


Success Affirmations

I am grateful for money, and possessions I already have.

I choose to live the life of my dreams.

Immense wealth and riches are flowing to me.

I am the success story.

I am wealthy.

I am a money magnet.

My income is constantly increasing.

I have more than enough of everything I need.

Let your mind go over one of these affirmations all day long, and try to connect deeply with the positive emotions that are arsing within you while affirming.

If you want to activate the power of your subconscious mind to succeed in life and heal your body, get the life-transforming book “Another Way of Living: A Journey to Self-realisation” TODAY!

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